Chanukah is coming early this year! Save the date for a community-wide Hanukkah party on Sunday, December 15th from 3PM to 5PM at CityScape in downtown Kalamazoo.
Everyone is invited for an afternoon of live music, latkes, jelly doughnuts, and a dreidel competition. Visit our photo booth, where you’ll be able to take fun pictures with our Hanukkah bear!
The suggested donation for the party is $5 for individuals, and $10 for families and $10/$15 after December 9th. Please RSVP using the form below or drop off your payment at the CoM office. Questions, contact Sharon Kaufman, Program Director
Ticket prices are kept as low as possible in order to make Parents Night Out accessible to everyone
However, the Standard ticket price is not nearly enough to cover the costs of putting on this event.
Please consider helping to bridge the gap by naming your own ticket price in an amount greater than $15.00.
Thank you for going the extra mile to support your Kalamazoo Jewish Community.
2. Please consider helping to bridge the gap by naming your own ticket price in an amount greater than $15.00.
2. Tickets
Ticket prices are kept as low as possible in order to make Parents Night Out accessible to everyone
However, the Standard ticket price is not nearly enough to cover the costs of putting on this event.
Please consider helping to bridge the gap by naming your own ticket price in an amount greater than $15.00.
Thank you for going the extra mile to support your Kalamazoo Jewish Community.