Sisterhood and Women’s League: A partnership enriching Jewish women worldwide

The mission of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is to strengthen and unite synagogue women’s groups and their members; support them in mutual efforts to understand and perpetuate Conservative/Masorti Judaism in the home, synagogue and community; and reinforce their bonds with Israel and with Jews worldwide.

Learn – We have a commitment to the continuing Jewish education of our members through classes and programs.
Live – Perpetuate Jewish tradition and observance in your home, synagogue and community.
Link – Make your voice heard as part of the largest synagogue-based women’s organization in the world.
Share – Help us strive to repair the world.

Maxine Berke & Susan Welbourne

Nomi Kluger-Nash
Vice President

Janet Heller

Emily Hoffman
Treasurer & Membership Coordinator

Fran Raffel
Program Coordinator

Kim Rubin
Gift Shop Coordinator

Shirley Wise and Judy Seyburn
At-Large Board Members


Calendar of events