Rain Garden Project
Protect water • Feed pollinatorsThis spring, CoM volunteers planted the first of several rain gardens, designed to protect the local watershed and improve the environment for pollinators. Rain gardens are a simple but effective means of absorbing and filtering the toxins from roofs, driveways and roads that pollute local bodies of water. Planting native Michigan shrubs and perennials in the garden will help feed birds, bees and butterflies yet require minimal care. The garden will also reduce the amount of lawn to be maintained, an important step in reducing our carbon footprint.
A brief information session was held in advance to learn about how rain gardens are protecting the environment in Kalamazoo and around the country. Participants became familiar with the native Michigan perennials planted in our rain garden and why using native Michigan plants is so important in protecting the ecosystem. Cheryl Vosburg from the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council joined us to talk about efforts to protect our local waterbodies.
The rain garden will be a work in progress as CoM improves and enhances our beautiful 12-acre property, making it more enjoyable for visitors, members and the creatures who share our earth, while also reducing our carbon footprint.