Community Hanukkah Celebration

Sunday, December 13 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm on Zoom

Join CoM and TBI on Sunday, December 13th as we celebrate Hanukkah with storytelling, singing, and the first Annual Hanukkah Hanukiah-Menorah pageant! We’ll finish with a community Zoom Hanukiah-Menorah lighting.

M e n o r a h - P a g e a n t

Go Wild and Crazy!

Don't wait until the last minute! Plan now for your entry in the Hanukiah-Menorah Pageant. Be creative! Be ordinary! It's your choice. Build your menorah, hanukiah-menorah, hanukiah or whatever you call it using any materials you like, any way you like! Here are a few examples to get your mind going but we know you can think of tons more ideas. Your menorah, hanukiah-menorah or hanukiah doesn't have to be functional or even three-dimensional. A drawing or painting can be submitted as well. Enter one of these categories: under 6 years, 7-12 years or 13 and up. Prizes ( gift cards) will be awarded for the most original designs to two people in each category and one “Best” winner will be chosen from all categories.
Thank you

/Hannukiah Pageant signup