Contact the Congregation of Moses

The Congregation of Moses

2501 Stadium Drive, Kalamazoo MI 49008

Or use the form to send us a message.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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By providing your phone number, you are confirming that we have permission to call you at this number and leave you a voice message.

This message should be sent to:

CoM Oversight Board
Brad Hershbein - President
Rachel Haus - Recording Secretary
Neal Berke - Treasurer and Membership Coordinator
Charlie Ofstein - Board member
Mike Tenenbaum - Board member
Phil Oretsky - Board member
Patricia Conlon - Board member
CoM Staff
Rabbi Goldman
Kristil - Office Manager
Committees and Groups
Mike Tenenbaum - Operations and Building maintenance
Brad and Carolyn Kennedy - Communications
Robyn Levene - Mitbach/Kitchen Committee Chair
Rachel Haus - Fisher Library
Carolyn Kennedy - Colef Committee Chair